Doug, I am heartbroken to find of your passing Dec 16th 2014, in a home fall accident. Just tore another page of history and stories from my life....
1971-72 2 Paly Seasons we wrestled together
1975-78 We went to Cal Berkeley together. You lived in your frat for 6 years LOL. 2 years because you were attending Berkeley Biz Grad school to get your MBA.... My most wonderful memory is you leaving the Big Game approx 1986, (correct yr?), game of: THE PLAY. Just before ball was kicked off you were so disgusted that Cal had lost in the last minute of play, YOU LEFT THE STADIUM. And missed one of the most historical comeback plays in College Football History (LMAO as I type). For the next 15+ yrs I woke you up every year the day of the Big Game by phone, playing a cassette recording of that actual play & screaming in the background WHERE IS DOUG SHARPE!!! I loved how you hated me for knowing this past indescrition/foolish moment on your part LOL....
1979-1990, at least once a month we would meet Friday after work in the San Francisco downtown Embarcadero Towers, usually Lilies or whatever was called. Party hard till 11pm.... Go home, usually alone hahahahahahahahahaha. But man we had a blast, tons of gals to talk to, college buddies, work buddies....
1992 you were a groomsman my wedding. 1995 I was a groomsman in yours. You had two wonderful daughters Jenny and Katie now approx 15 & 13 yrs of age....
We chatted weekly up untill about 2005, I think things got a little rough for you, biz and family. You may have simply been tired from getting to the office 5:30am Institutional Bond Trader for 30 years, a real man and career man you were. Alas we kinda of lost contact due to own lives I guess, and you did have two children to raise. Crappy excuse Doug :----). I called you twice a year to leave a message and torture you. :----)
I am composing a letter, with pictures to your daughters. Pictures via my 1971 year book I have, & donations/borrowing of the 1970 & 72 Paly Yearbooks from your Paly Alumni sisters and bros. Also a Jordan year book (s) is being reviewed by another as I type. I am putting these pictures of you, to go along with this letter about you. I will tell them you were a very fun, beyond belief humorous man at one time LOL. I will also regale about you being a Varsity High School wrestler, Black Belt in Judo and excellent life long athlete. Last but not least you are/were successful Institutional Bond trader for 30+ years!! We don't want them to just remember you as that Old Man, our "tell us what to do" Father hahahahahahah.... Shit this is making my eyes tear.... They are only 15 & 13, such a short window of memories. Mine are 30+ years!! Albeit many hazy due to our putting the devils brew to our lips in our bacholor days :------) Ahh tear is gone, smile and sunshine of you are back....
Go Vikings, Go Bears, and I will always miss knowing I no longer can talk to you about our past days of wrestling, judo, our party hardy days, our younger glory man tales, and the future of fishing on a creek together. LOL
With total Friend Love..... David Jones Paly Class of 1973
(Sharpe, Dunn, Murphy, Wuthman 1971 Palo Alto High Varsity wrestling team & medal winners all RIP)
Wow. Doug's passing is truly a sad occasion and a great shock. Doug was part of my close circle of friends at Paly, and now we have lost Rourke, Jon, Deming, Carl and Doug. One of my fondest memories of Doug was as juniors, when Doug suddenly decided he was going to become a baseball pitcher. This came as some surprise - Doug hadn't played Little League like many of us had - but he convinced me to go with him over to the ball field at Jordan, across the street from his house on Garland, and "toss the ol' horsehide," as he liked to say. Well, it took maybe a half-dozen trips across the street for Doug to come to the conclusion that his future lay in something other than baseball...
Then there was the time he and I went to his folks cabin near Ben Lomond in the Santa Cruz mountains to dig a new septic tank [a large dirt hole]. Once again, Doug consulted his library of stereotypes, and concluded that 2 men digging a big ol' hole in the mountains ought to be drinking some beers [no issue there] and chewing some tobacco - "just a pinch betweeen the cheek and gum" [what was I thinking?]. It was out of love for Doug, I suppose, that I entertained these hair-brained ideas of his. So, after many beers [no issue there] and WAAAYYY too much chewing tobacco - even a pinch was way too much - I turned an interesting shade of green, as Doug informed me, and kindly returned the tobacco AND the beer to the earth from whence they came...
Doug, say hi to the boys when you see them in the afterlife, and know that you will never be forgotten. I love you, man.
Doug was a huge Chuck Berry fan. I initially thought Chuck Berry was some old 50's relic. I agreed to go to the the Filmore to see Chuck in 9th grade with Doug's parents driving us and discreetly siting in the back. Chuck Berry blew my mind (in the vernacular of the time). I still thnk about those shows. Doug was sure right on that one.
I count Doug as one of the few close friends I have had in my life. We spent 6 weeks in Europe in ’71. It was Doug’s idea to go to the Playboy Club in London on our first night overseas. Warm beer and 5£ minimum bets…. In Athens we snuck onto the Acropolis one night with a small group. Doug and I were the only ones that the Greek Police did not catch.
Then there was the time we had a day to burn after backpacking in the Desolation Wilderness and hitchhiked around Lake Tahoe. It was a race. We had two dogs and the other team had three people (Deming, Graham and Jeff). We each went in different directions. We won going away. Doug always thought it was his good looks, I think it was Spot and Cheater. The other team had to walk to a pay phone and call Deming’s aunt to come get them. How embarrassing.
Then there were the Berkeley years. Doug and I roomed together for 3 of the 4 years there. Lots of memories. Doug took an Economics final for a football player I knew who would later become an all pro for the Jets. Too bad Doug got the highest score in the class. What a mess….
Doug and I had the same birthdays and in the first grade at Garland and we had a party at Doug's House. Wow, oh boy, even played pin the tail on the Donkey.
I last saw Doug in the 80's with Carl Bronstein, then regular friend of his at the Embarcadero Towers high up overlooking SF Bay where he worked as the Bond Trader guy. Not a bad for a Bay Area life. Leave home and family in Berkeley, get on the Bart Tube to SF, take the elevator up to the office, and then reverse this route back home.
Both of these men died too young and our 72'ers are at a loss without them. Party on Carl.
David Jones
Doug, I am heartbroken to find of your passing Dec 16th 2014, in a home fall accident. Just tore another page of history and stories from my life....
1971-72 2 Paly Seasons we wrestled together
1975-78 We went to Cal Berkeley together. You lived in your frat for 6 years LOL. 2 years because you were attending Berkeley Biz Grad school to get your MBA.... My most wonderful memory is you leaving the Big Game approx 1986, (correct yr?), game of: THE PLAY. Just before ball was kicked off you were so disgusted that Cal had lost in the last minute of play, YOU LEFT THE STADIUM. And missed one of the most historical comeback plays in College Football History (LMAO as I type). For the next 15+ yrs I woke you up every year the day of the Big Game by phone, playing a cassette recording of that actual play & screaming in the background WHERE IS DOUG SHARPE!!! I loved how you hated me for knowing this past indescrition/foolish moment on your part LOL....
1979-1990, at least once a month we would meet Friday after work in the San Francisco downtown Embarcadero Towers, usually Lilies or whatever was called. Party hard till 11pm.... Go home, usually alone hahahahahahahahahaha. But man we had a blast, tons of gals to talk to, college buddies, work buddies....
1992 you were a groomsman my wedding. 1995 I was a groomsman in yours. You had two wonderful daughters Jenny and Katie now approx 15 & 13 yrs of age....
We chatted weekly up untill about 2005, I think things got a little rough for you, biz and family. You may have simply been tired from getting to the office 5:30am Institutional Bond Trader for 30 years, a real man and career man you were. Alas we kinda of lost contact due to own lives I guess, and you did have two children to raise. Crappy excuse Doug :----). I called you twice a year to leave a message and torture you. :----)
I am composing a letter, with pictures to your daughters. Pictures via my 1971 year book I have, & donations/borrowing of the 1970 & 72 Paly Yearbooks from your Paly Alumni sisters and bros. Also a Jordan year book (s) is being reviewed by another as I type. I am putting these pictures of you, to go along with this letter about you. I will tell them you were a very fun, beyond belief humorous man at one time LOL. I will also regale about you being a Varsity High School wrestler, Black Belt in Judo and excellent life long athlete. Last but not least you are/were successful Institutional Bond trader for 30+ years!! We don't want them to just remember you as that Old Man, our "tell us what to do" Father hahahahahahah.... Shit this is making my eyes tear.... They are only 15 & 13, such a short window of memories. Mine are 30+ years!! Albeit many hazy due to our putting the devils brew to our lips in our bacholor days :------) Ahh tear is gone, smile and sunshine of you are back....
Go Vikings, Go Bears, and I will always miss knowing I no longer can talk to you about our past days of wrestling, judo, our party hardy days, our younger glory man tales, and the future of fishing on a creek together. LOL
With total Friend Love..... David Jones Paly Class of 1973
(Sharpe, Dunn, Murphy, Wuthman 1971 Palo Alto High Varsity wrestling team & medal winners all RIP)
Andrew (Andy) D. Turner
Wow. Doug's passing is truly a sad occasion and a great shock. Doug was part of my close circle of friends at Paly, and now we have lost Rourke, Jon, Deming, Carl and Doug. One of my fondest memories of Doug was as juniors, when Doug suddenly decided he was going to become a baseball pitcher. This came as some surprise - Doug hadn't played Little League like many of us had - but he convinced me to go with him over to the ball field at Jordan, across the street from his house on Garland, and "toss the ol' horsehide," as he liked to say. Well, it took maybe a half-dozen trips across the street for Doug to come to the conclusion that his future lay in something other than baseball...
Then there was the time he and I went to his folks cabin near Ben Lomond in the Santa Cruz mountains to dig a new septic tank [a large dirt hole]. Once again, Doug consulted his library of stereotypes, and concluded that 2 men digging a big ol' hole in the mountains ought to be drinking some beers [no issue there] and chewing some tobacco - "just a pinch betweeen the cheek and gum" [what was I thinking?]. It was out of love for Doug, I suppose, that I entertained these hair-brained ideas of his. So, after many beers [no issue there] and WAAAYYY too much chewing tobacco - even a pinch was way too much - I turned an interesting shade of green, as Doug informed me, and kindly returned the tobacco AND the beer to the earth from whence they came...
Doug, say hi to the boys when you see them in the afterlife, and know that you will never be forgotten. I love you, man.
Brit Harvey
Doug was a huge Chuck Berry fan. I initially thought Chuck Berry was some old 50's relic. I agreed to go to the the Filmore to see Chuck in 9th grade with Doug's parents driving us and discreetly siting in the back. Chuck Berry blew my mind (in the vernacular of the time). I still thnk about those shows. Doug was sure right on that one.
Richard Adam Johnson
I count Doug as one of the few close friends I have had in my life. We spent 6 weeks in Europe in ’71. It was Doug’s idea to go to the Playboy Club in London on our first night overseas. Warm beer and 5£ minimum bets…. In Athens we snuck onto the Acropolis one night with a small group. Doug and I were the only ones that the Greek Police did not catch.
Then there was the time we had a day to burn after backpacking in the Desolation Wilderness and hitchhiked around Lake Tahoe. It was a race. We had two dogs and the other team had three people (Deming, Graham and Jeff). We each went in different directions. We won going away. Doug always thought it was his good looks, I think it was Spot and Cheater. The other team had to walk to a pay phone and call Deming’s aunt to come get them. How embarrassing.
Then there were the Berkeley years. Doug and I roomed together for 3 of the 4 years there. Lots of memories. Doug took an Economics final for a football player I knew who would later become an all pro for the Jets. Too bad Doug got the highest score in the class. What a mess….
He will be missed but never forgotten.
Robert Douglas Moore
Remembering Doug.
Doug and I had the same birthdays and in the first grade at Garland and we had a party at Doug's House. Wow, oh boy, even played pin the tail on the Donkey.
I last saw Doug in the 80's with Carl Bronstein, then regular friend of his at the Embarcadero Towers high up overlooking SF Bay where he worked as the Bond Trader guy. Not a bad for a Bay Area life. Leave home and family in Berkeley, get on the Bart Tube to SF, take the elevator up to the office, and then reverse this route back home.
Both of these men died too young and our 72'ers are at a loss without them. Party on Carl.